From thence I went to Fork Creek, and so to Cedar Creek again, at which place I now had a meeting.
Lawson's Fork Creek, a tributary of the Pacolet River, was once known for its plentiful wildlife and crystal clear waters.
These amenities included granite benches, cooking grills, tables and a stone bridge over Burnt Fork Creek.
Black Fork Creek and Pine Creek are the most significant tributaries of Little River.
There was little water to irrigate the rich soil, so it became necessary to divert a portion of American Fork Creek.
His early education was at Lane School, located on the Barren Fork Creek, Oklahoma.
Sardis Lake, named for the small settlement displaced during its construction, impounds Jack's Fork Creek.
The first settlers on the American Fork Creek took the name of the stream for the settlement.
People from the Pleasant Grove area had been the first to claim water from American Fork Creek for irrigation purposes.
North Fork Creek and Juniper Mesa-(part of southeast Juniper Mountains), border north.