The Forbes campaign has since dropped one district from the case, and a state judge is now hearing testimony involving the other five.
The Forbes campaign went on the air today with three new advertisements.
In a state where home-grown is good, the Forbes campaign has an alien feel to it.
This time, the Forbes campaign has spent enormous sums of money to develop a fresh strategy.
So the Forbes campaign has had to scramble to fill several of its key posts.
But the Forbes campaign spent $1 million to defeat the state party and get his name on the ballot.
This time, the Forbes campaign here says, it has learned from those mistakes.
In fact, people close to the Forbes campaign acknowledged today, the closing strategy had been a mistake.
This is also an issue on which the Forbes campaign has taken a different position from the other candidates.
The Forbes campaign has long said it could turn out attack ads within 24 hours, if necessary.