The route heads north-northwest through Folly Beach's business district as Center Street.
On Folly Beach, all waterfront houses sustained some damage, while roads on the east side of the island were washed away.
Is it just me, or is anyone else wondering how that place in the picture got to be called Folly Beach?
It has become an unofficial symbol of Folly Beach.
Winds gusted to 44 mph (38 knots) at Folly Beach.
Officials in Folly Beach are hoping to raise $300,000 to $400,000, but they know it will not be easy.
Soon after his birth, his family moved to Folly Beach, South Carolina, where he was raised.
However, a gas station in Folly Beach was torn apart by the winds, and some structures along the coast sustained roof damage.
If you look at my recent searches, they might have something to do with vacation homes, Folly Beach and car rentals.
After I found her house, we rode together out toward Folly Beach.