The raids, in the Flushing section, were part of an effort to curb smuggling by gangs.
The panelists, experts in all three, were second graders at Public School 21, also known as the Edward Hart Elementary School, in the Flushing section of Queens.
LEAD: Highchairs lining a wall of the kitchen at the home yesterday in the Flushing section of Queens.
B1 The Flushing section of Queens is thriving.
Gennaro Capacchione, who lives in the Flushing section of Queens, says he visited the brothers frequently in the 1930's and 1940's.
They moved into a two-bedroom apartment in the Flushing, Queens section of the city.
It was silent on the Flushing section of Queens.
This is just what happened to Stan Schwartz, an apartment dweller in the Flushing section of Queens, who 18 years ago started entering his house plants in various shows.
THEY found a Home Depot in the Flushing section of Queens that stays open 24 hours a day.
Pappas was born in the Flushing, Queens section of New York City.