However, the Florida judge refused to grant such a subpoena given the likelihood that Burge would exercise this right.
A Florida judge said the state's case could not add up to a homicide conviction.
The Supreme Court said the Florida judges should have done that, while at the same time condemning them for doing it.
A Florida judge signed an order Thursday telling authorities to take the boy into custody and return him.
The album has been ruled obscene by a Florida judge and banned from record stores in San Antonio.
The title character is a Florida judge who routinely gives criminals the maximum sentence.
She suggested videoconferencing to the Florida judge as a means of keeping her former husband in daily contact with their daughter.
In 1993, a Florida judge ruled that a twelve-year-old boy who didn't want to be with his parents any longer could legally divorce them.
In June, a Florida judge ruled that the case could go to trial.
A Florida judge dismissed the case on grounds that Florida exempts divine healing from the law.