John and Alice Martin, a Florida couple, were fooling around with a police scanner on their way to do some Christmas shopping in 1996.
One project, a home for a Florida couple, had the students bouncing off the walls.
A Florida couple bought the first Transport late last year for $12,000.
The article described how a Florida couple arranged the killing of their son in January for the insurance money.
A Florida couple, Alice and John Martin, recorded the call using a radio scanner.
A Florida couple on their honeymoon.
Such thrift does seem daunting, but the Florida couple took advantage of every opportunity to salt away money for the future.
He even gave a guided tour to a Florida couple in their 60's who came to show the place they met to their grown son.
The lawsuit cited two other examples of bogus refund claims, one of them $30,000 sought by a Florida couple.
It is the record of a Florida couple in their early 30's who desperately want a child with both their genetic stamps.