This event was directed to clean up Florida beaches.
"You can't tell me that two guys with a short great toe would have been on that Florida beach at the same time!"
The waiting woman did not understand the single Aramaic word hurled down the Florida beach.
The long journey from the Florida beach had brought him twice to this room, but this time the lantern poorly illuminated the place.
Anna insisted as she sat debating the affair with the others on the white sands of a Florida beach.
Four people died in rip currents on Florida beaches.
I shuddered as I had done on that lonely dark Florida beach when it happened before.
Some artifacts and even coins still wash up on Florida beaches from time to time.
Mortality rates of nearly 100% of all clutches laid in a season have been recorded on some Florida beaches.
Save turtles by prohibiting cars from the few miles of Florida beach where cars are allowed?