As the week went on, the group met more Inupiat, at the fish camp or in their homes.
And they shouldn't have to rendezvous at a place like Doug's fish camp either.
The state of the fish camp turned out to be an excellent icebreaker.
Somewhere between the fish camp and here I'd decided that's who I had to talk to.
It is used as a seasonal fish camp by some residents of Teller.
Instead, they went to Big Daddy's fish camp after he got off duty.
We kissed goodbye and promised to meet back at the fish camp by seven o'clock tonight.
Tommy got 20 years for burglarizing fish camps and homes throughout the area.
It was later used by fishermen and lumbermen, with commercial fish camps operating 1913-1920.
Traditionally, families spent the spring and summer at fish camp, then joined with others at village sites for the winter.