The 2000 coup left deep divisions in Fijian society.
The cession of 1874 saw a more dominant role within Fijian society as the old religion was gradually replaced by the new Christian faith.
The phrase in fact emphasized the hierarchical nature of Fijian traditional society where chiefly power was absolute.
The authority of the Governor General, a high chief in Fijian society, who has condemned the coup, seemed unclear today.
Fijian indigenous society is very communal, with great importance attached to the family unit, the village, and the vanua (land).
This tradition still influences Fijian society today, though less rigidly: there is more of a tendency nowadays towards primogeniture.
He did not believe that modernization would threaten the communal structure of Fijian society.
Religion plays an important role in Fijian society.
Traditionally speaking, birthdays were not celebrated in Fijian society.