The Leopard, on Fiftieth Street near Second Avenue, was a charming restaurant with only a handful of tables and excellent food.
He was the one link with the little house somewhere beyond One Hundred and Fiftieth Street.
"There's a cute little plaza with a waterfall on Fiftieth Street between Second and Third," she said.
The line, behind blue police barriers, snaked around into Fiftieth Street but wasn't long enough yet to fill the pews.
I woulda taken a right at Fiftieth Street, gone over to Broadway and then headed down to Times Square.
Two levels above you now is the block between Forty-ninth and Fiftieth Streets: from there, no sound conies, either.
He was dropping toward the Seventh Avenue hotel section around Fiftieth Street.
It was twilight when we arrived at Lutece on Fiftieth Street in Manhattan.
They had gone to Moonlight, on Fiftieth Street, and stayed there, dancing, until after twelve.
He was aware of the interest of both Trent and Gunner in the rooming house on Fiftieth Street.