Bn and supporting fires from the 335th Field Artillery Battalion.
It was redesignated for the 11th Field Artillery Battalion on 11 July 1942.
It was redesignated for the 16th Field Artillery Battalion on 12 May 1941.
It was redesignated for the 126th Field Artillery Battalion on 19 May 1942.
It was redesignated for the 55th Field Artillery Battalion on 25 June 1952.
Meanwhile, the 61st Field Artillery Battalion shelled the hill heavily.
Hamoodi was beaten by four soldiers from the 2/20th Field Artillery Battalion on the head and body.
It was redesignated for the 94th Field Artillery Battalion on 9 May 1949.
The 90th Field Artillery Battalion suffered almost as great a calamity.
It was redesignated for the 634th Field Artillery Battalion on 28 July 1944.