In addition, the Festival Latino will be offering its usual smorgasbord of Latin American film, television and music.
Six Flags Over Texas also introduced Festival Latino.
It is performed in Spanish as part of the Festival Latino, with English translation through earphones supplied Sunday afternoon and evening.
The theme of the films at the Public - and of Festival Latino itself - is a celebration of human rights.
Our Festival Latino does what the State Department should be doing, creating cultural links with Latin America.
"Mariameneo, Mariameneo" is the sort of work that brings luster to the Festival Latino.
Festival Latino eludes precise definition, although it is basically Western Hemisphere Hispanic in nature.
Festival Latino, a program of Hispanic theater and film that has been produced annually for the last 15 years, may also be in jeopardy.
I am therefore turning down the recently awarded $50,000 grant for the Festival Latino.
The rejection of the Federal grant will not prevent the Festival Latino from going on, Mr. Papp said.