Fees in these areas rose 3 percent from the 1993 fourth quarter, to $432 million.
Fees at public schools have risen beyond what many parents can afford, he said.
By 1998, jurors' daily fees will rise to $40 from the current $15.
The fee for an application to become a citizen would rise to $595 from $330, an 80 percent increase.
In 1991, the average fee had risen 102 percent, to 87 cents.
Also, the fee for registering a new car that cost $10,000 will rise to $200 from $170.
Fees for entering the most popular places in the national park system will rise sharply next year.
"It's that fees paid to the mental health professionals have not been rising."
Additionally, the fees we pay for programming have risen by more than 15 percent.
Early indicators suggest that even when fees rise in 2012, colleges will continue to offer value for money.