In the beginning, the Federation had consisted of nothing more than a few scattered holes in the ground on the southern edge of the nation state once known as the United States of America.
Even today the Russian Federation, as an example, consists of various people whose nationality is other than Russian, but who are considered to be Russian subjects and comply with the laws of the federation.
According to Tang, the Federation was, at that time, operating in the People's Republic of China, and consisted mostly of former students who had taken part in the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989.
As of today, the Federation consists of 31 clubs and has offices in Washington, New York and San Francisco.
The Russian Federation consists of 83 federal subjects, all equal in federal matters but enjoying six more or less different levels of autonomy.
The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is itself complex and consists of 10 federal units - cantons.
The Federation of British Artists (FBA) consists of nine art societies, and is based at the Mall Galleries in London where the societies Annual Exhibitions are held.
The Federation consists of four junior feeder campuses and a single senior campus:
The Russian Federation consists of several types of subunits.
The highest is the Board of directors, consisted of seven member presenting the Government of the Russian Federation, five from the Bank of Russia and General Director of the Agency.