But by the 1890s, the Federation had begun to organize only skilled workers in craft unions and became an organization of mostly white men.
The Federation began a push north, gobbling up bits and pieces of the Southland as it went.
The Federation began a modernization process to its youth centres since the late 1990s.
By late 1970, the Federation had begun to look at other uses for the station's license which didn't involve the organization.
The Federation will begin to function when it reaches a membership of 500.
Yet the Federation immediately began an engineering development project, which was highly classified.
The Federation has barely begun rebuilding itself, much less the pre-warp cultures under its care.
The present American Federation of Arts, the older of the two groups, began in 1909.
Already, the Klingons and the Federation had begun slowly withdrawing their fleets.
At the Empire's first strike on an outpost, the Federation had pulled together with an indignation never expected, and began to fight back.