Currency traders will be watching to see whether the Federal Reserve intervenes in the market again today.
The Federal Reserve has not intervened since late August, and then it was to push down the dollar at the end of the summer rally.
I made money, buying on dips after the Federal Reserve intervened to sell dollars.
If there was any surprise, it was that the Federal Reserve did not intervene in the credit market.
The Federal Reserve, for its part, intervened to add reserves to the banking system through repurchase agreements.
As expected, the Federal Reserve did not intervene to influence the funds rate, as it had done in recent days.
But when the Federal Reserve did not intervene to back up the President's words, the rallies dwindled away.
About the same time, analysts said, the Federal Reserve intervened in domestic markets, also to drive the dollar lower.
The Federal Reserve, meanwhile, intervened to add reserves to the banking system through $2.5 billion in repurchase agreements.
The Dow declined in the morning, on rumors that the Federal Reserve was intervening to hold down the dollar.