Their report is published in the Feb. 22 issue of the journal Nature.
Sports Illustrated, using a statistical formula, ranked the top 16 point guards in the league for its Feb. 10 issue.
The findings appear in the Feb. 15 issue of the journal Spine.
An international team of scientists published their findings in the Feb. 9 issue of Science magazine.
"We suspect new estimates could be much higher," they wrote in the Feb. 18, 1993, issue of the journal Nature.
A paper describing the work appears in the Feb. 3 issue of Science.
To the Editor: A letter and comment in your Feb. 24 issue calls for further explanation.
The Feb. 13 issue lists it at No. 5 and it has been in the top 25 for 39 weeks.
It was in the Feb. 16 issue of Science, a weekly journal.
By the time the Feb. 22 issue was due, my need for a happier world was dire.