C. B. Wilson was born at sea, on a voyage between Tahiti and Fanning Island in 1850.
Norwegian stops at Fanning Island in Kiribati, about 600 miles south of Hawaii.
Off to the Fanning Islands in twenty minutes.
I didn't know about his trouble until I had boarded a ship for the Fanning Islands.
Alert left Nipsic at Fanning Island on 14 June and continued on alone to Honolulu.
On board were two women, 57 crewmen, and 49 Gilbertese laborers bound for Fanning Island, 60 miles distant.
Graham's first landfall was 14 days later at Fanning Island, a British-controlled atoll.
Fanning Island, which was deserted until a telegraph relay station was established.
On several voyages they discovered new uncharted islands such as Fanning Island and Palmyra Atoll.
To explore Hawaii's rugged volcanic scenery and experience life on remote Fanning Island.