The Faculty also awards several certificates in special skills applicable to physicians working in contraception, sexual and reproductive healthcare clinics:
The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the Weizmannn Institute awards a yearly Lee A. Segel Prize in Theoretical Biology.
The Faculty of Languages at Uppsala University (Sweden) awarded Pease a doctorate honoris causa in 2011.
The Faculty of Law awards the degrees of Bachelor of Laws (LL.
On 15 November 2007 the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Sarajevo posthumously awarded Suada a medical degree.
In recognition of his service in the field of public health, York University's Faculty of Health recently awarded him an honorary Doctor of Laws degree.
The Faculty awarded McGill's first degree, and Canada's first medical degree to William Leslie Logie in 1833.
After 1972, the Faculty of Education and the Departments of Philosophy and Psychology awarded annual scholarships to students honoring MacEachran's accomplishments.
The Faculty of Electronic Engineering awards the following grades:
The Faculty has awarded the first bachelor's degree in Forest Science, in its session of November 10, 1987.