Of the 65 known large Fabergé eggs, 57 have survived to the present day.
Long considered a Fabergé egg, it does not bear an inventory number.
"Everyone's asking if this is a real Faberge egg," she said.
The Faberge eggs, the engravings, everything small enough to carry, all gone!
All my beautiful Faberge eggs were missing, along with a number of other expensive figurines.
The inside of the dome looks like a Faberge egg turned inside out.
Up close it is placidly elegant; a Faberge egg of earth art.
It won't do to be seen pampering yourself with Faberge eggs or caviar.
In 1920, she sold her Faberge eggs there.
Known for his re-creations of Fabergé eggs, Robert's art has been seen and collected around the world.