The first was the disposal of the UK liquid milk operations to Express Dairies, for £125 million.
In 1973 Express Dairies left the site, and the dairy museum was broken up.
They sold mainly to United Dairies (later known as Unigate) and in the early years to Express Dairies.
In July 2006 it acquired Express Dairies from Arla Foods for £33m.
It also bought out the 50% of joint-venture partner Express Dairies in the creamery at Frome.
Profits rose 24% to £68.4m on the back of last year's acquisition of Eden Vale and Express Dairies, with the divi up 5% to 3.4p.
He bought the company five years later, expanding it to become one of the largest frozen cake manufacturers in Europe, then sold it to Express Dairies in 1985.
It then bought Express Dairies in 1969 and Berni Inns and Mecca in 1970.
'Listen, freak, that DK had more bottle than Express Dairies and if you -' Ace stopped and lowered her arm.
Miller told him that he would meet him the next day outside the Express Dairies.