Around the same time, the nearby Burleigh Street and Exeter Street were laid out.
He stayed at Exeter House, Exeter Street where he held his "council of war".
Sawyer, an owner of four parking lots downtown, will occupy the top floor of the new building, which is on the corner of Exeter Street.
He walked on past me and crossed Exeter Street and leaned idly against the streetlight post, musing on the new addition to the library.
I walked across Exeter Street, and stood beside him on the corner, looking at the new part of the library.
Ahead of us at the Exeter Street crossing a car pulled up and two men got out and began to walk toward us.
He was running back down the mall toward Exeter Street.
He also briefly had offices at 1 Exeter Street, London W1, around 1914.
We crossed Exeter Street and went into the Bookstore Cafe.
A helicopter is down on Exeter Street.