But the executives contended that the company's large reach was the very essence of its value.
The executives contend that in the long run, the unused space will be an important asset.
Bringing union officials into the board room appears to be inviting trouble, British executives contend.
Executives contend that the worst times are already over.
He and the chief executives of most manufacturing companies contend that such moves are essential to keep American industry competitive in the global marketplace.
As powerful as they have become, their influence is exaggerated by critics, the executives also contend.
Many executives in the municipal bond business contend that the use of consultants is a way to get around a ban on political contributions.
For their part, executives at the improvement districts contend that the union's wage demands are unreasonable.
Executives and former employees there contend that there were problems with the way he managed his patients' pregnancies.
Many executives in the municipal bond industry contended that such a rule would bring secondary trading to a halt.