I highly recommend Poems of Mourning-(Everyman's Library.)
(Revised edition 1993; Indexed 1989; first published Everyman Library 1949)
Public domain; many editions available, although Everyman Library and Wordsworth Classics editions are the most common ones still in print.
Everyman Library, London: Dent, 1993 (reprint, with new introduction, of the 1930 Wright translation).
Introduced by James Fenton, it is published in the UK only by Random House as part of the Everyman Library.
The publication of the Everyman Library began in 1906 and 152 titles were issued by the end of the first year.
Walter Pater: Essays on Literature and Art (Everyman Library, Dent, London, 1973).
It was published in the US in October 2006 by Random House as part of the Everyman Library.
It was a folder from the Everyman Library.
So Ganesh didn't buy all the Everyman Library.