Juba's dance may have been an amalgamation of African and European precedents.
Following long European precedent, both sides recognized only limited sovereign rights of the indigenous population.
The crest is thirteen stars breaking through a glory and clouds, displayed with no helm, torse or mantling (unlike most European precedents).
By the mid-19th century the bathing industry in the United States, following elegant European precedents, was establishing more complex bathing rituals.
Drawing extensively on European precedents, Desjardins developed a unique parish-based model for Quebec: the caisse populaire.
Why should Americans be bound by European precedents in our courts of law?
So far it is the region's only known example of post-contact aboriginal ware modeled on European precedents.
The second option had European precedents, including Edward's own great-grandfather, Duke Alexander of Württemberg, but no parallel in British constitutional history.
Also, there was no European precedent for successful separate sewer systems at the time.
Progressive American architects illustrated this passage by freely cribbing from European precedent.