As a result, European partnerships were able to expand over time, allowing more ambitious, better-financed ventures.
Where European industry-government partnerships tend to be very formally defined, the Asian ones are more fluid.
When the 1991 event ended a week ago in Manhattan, the victory went to a European partnership for the third time in four years.
The European partnership has formed a new company called Trixell, based in France.
Despite some natural political and ideological differences, those who are committed to these principles should build a truly European partnership.
We monitor progress on the basis of European partnership, and we have opened up regional cooperation activities with Kosovo.
The priorities of the European partnership are also clear.
This also means that we must opt for a European partnership of nations, rather than a federal Europe.
We need a vision for Europe that allows people to feel safe in their national identity whilst reaching out and embracing European partnership.
The summit confirmed the real progress of the past six months and has pointed a way to a new kind of European partnership.