But this is one European movie in which the linguistic incongruity doesn't grate.
Several other films suggested that announcement of the death of European movies might be premature.
"I always wanted to be a personal filmmaker, to be inspired by the European movies we saw when we were 18 or 19," he says.
This movie was one of many European movies directed by Litvak into the 1950s and 1960s.
And in recent years, European movies have proved especially attractive.
Most European movies don't feel so obliged to adhere to formula.
As a performer he appeared in over 50 European or American movies.
From the late 1960s to early 1980s, Fenech starred in many types of European movies.
While living abroad, he also wrote screenplays for American and European movies.
As a performer he appeared in around 1000 European or American movies.