Its European members recommended that it be sent abroad for screening.
European members of Nato will have their own economic disintegration to worry about.
Leading Hotels was formed in 1928, and until the 1970's it had only European members.
Each European member was bound to find its own point of balance between these two concerns.
We've got an airport next to the track so we're going to pick up a lot of northern European members.
If so, why is there not more opposition to enlarging the alliance from the European members?
At 23 to 29 cm in length it is the smallest European member of its family.
The European members of his team didn't shoot the way the Americans did.
Thus, an international prohibition of the slave trade throughout their respected spheres was signed by the European members.
"I'm somewhat saddened; we came here to do a job, but it has been interrupted," said a European member of one human rights group.