Boniface was involved in Italian and European political disputes.
Chamberlain hoped that the understanding he had signed with Hitler at Munich would lead towards a general settlement of European disputes; however, Hitler expressed no public interest in following up on the accord.
Born in Jerusalem, he was sent as a representative and arbitrator by the Jerusalem community to Russia in an important European rabbinic dispute.
Few diplomats believe that the French really will pull down that whole temple in wrath over the compromise in the European dispute with the United States, no matter how bellicose the words of French politicians.
Pope Paul was involved in Italian and European political disputes.
The control of digital media distribution is also now an important issue in a European antitrust dispute involving Microsoft.
The conference could insure the participation of the U.S. and the Soviet Union in European security without providing them any possibility for renewed hegemony and could serve as the framework for procedures for settling European disputes.
Unaware of the dimensions of the European dispute over the ATR, the F.A.A. nonetheless reassessed the ATR-42's handling in ice after the Italian crash.
An age-old European dispute concerns the proper ingredients of a true fondue, and a good place to enter the fray joyfully is Auberge du Savièse, at 20, rue de Pâquis, (41) 22 732 83 30.
This is not a European dispute, although it is in fact starting to interfere with the accession talks.