Kapıkule is a border station and the terminus for domestic trains in European Turkey.
This comprehensive settlement was to be buttressed by reforms in those parts of European Turkey not otherwise dealt with.
The province largely corresponds to what is modern day European Turkey.
At the end of the 19th century, the liberated countries started actively to process the Christian population in European Turkey.
It does not occur in the Iberian peninsula or European Turkey.
He has twenty thousand of his men at our backs in European Turkey.
A European Turkey will serve as a shining example for the entire Islamic world and hence for numerous crisis-torn regions too.
On the one hand, the honest will of the Union to see a European Turkey as an equal member one day is non-negotiable.
A European Turkey is in the interests not only of the EU and Turkey itself, but the world as a whole.
The first of these points is that we need a European Turkey and it is in our interest to assist with this process.