Most early Roman painting styles show Etruscan influences, particularly in the practice of political painting.
Most scholars see an Etruscan influence on the early formation of the ceremonies.
Golden objects found in this mound and other nearby mounds show an Etruscan influence or were produced on the Italian peninsula and traded.
House- and face-urns are believed to represent Etruscan influence.
Elements of Etruscan influence in Roman temples included the podium and the emphasis on the front at the expense of the remaining three sides.
The idea of covering a shield with bronze is a mark of Greek or Etruscan influence.
This defeat successfully blocked the southern expansion of Etruscan influence and marked the beginning of territorial loss in southern Italy.
This returns valuable objects that allow age to enter the center in Cretone facies sabina culture imbued with Etruscan influences.
There are signs of both Greek and Etruscan influences.
Tuscia is a historical region of Italy that comprised the southern territories under Etruscan influence.