On the tour's opening night, this reminded Bono that he had originally written the lyrics in an Ethiopian village.
The camera now switched to an Ethiopian mud-hut village.
Documentary and series of newscast reports resulted in "adoption" of Ethiopian village by the governments and people of the four Atlantic Provinces.
Ms. Mamitu's story begins when she was an illiterate 15-year-old in a remote Ethiopian village unreachable by road and with no doctor nearby.
Then the picture cut to Tye standing in an Ethiopian village.
Did they really think he did not know of this discovery, secreted away for years in a remote Ethiopian village?
The leather, which would provide shoes for the proverbial Ethiopian (or Brazilian) village, is a pristine pink-yellow, except where the wax has spilled and darkened it.
She spent the first 12 years of her life helping her family tend cows in a tiny Ethiopian village called Macha.
Other projects include placing water wells in Ethiopian villages and backing the Ethiopian Adoption Project, which places Ethiopian orphans with foreign parents.
He lived in an Ethiopian village with his family until they were killed by Magneto while he hid in an oil drum.