He worked with others in the industry and the standards bodies to create an alliance that would exist as long as Ethernet technology existed.
The new switches, based on Ethernet technology, doubled the speed of data transmissions.
Ethernet technology has always assumed a software intervention to terminate the protocol stack.
Low latency is important for many users of Audio over Ethernet technologies.
Using the new Ethernet technology, control surfaces are now able to control a much larger array of automated fixtures.
Their reliance on Ethernet technology makes interoperability among vendors easy.
They note that established network companies have ready access to Ethernet technology, and will not hesitate to use it.
All the conditions are achieved for the creation of homogeneous world-wide networks completely based on Ethernet technology.
Since then Ethernet technology has evolved to meet new bandwidth and market requirements.
Like most other audio over Ethernet technologies, Dante is primarily for professional, commercial applications.