It is common for dancers to come and go in ballet troupes, but Ethan Brown, who is retiring from the company, received an official tribute.
Ethan Brown strained hard to look like a proud bullfighter.
She was partnered by Ethan Brown and an elegant Peter Morrison.
Ethan Brown was especially fine as the Lincolnesque father of a daughter who persistently asks, "Why?"
There are seven women and seven soldiers plus their leader (Ethan Brown) in the cast.
Ethan Brown, 37, said makeup could reveal the nuances of a part.
Ethan Brown made Tybalt a surly and sinister presence.
Ethan Brown as the sinner next door comes across as a wonderfully unfeeling brute.
Ethan Brown is an investigative journalist and author.
Ethan Brown was a suave Radjah on both occasions.