Real estate records show that the price was $6.2 million.
The companies have made similar transactions in at least 10 other cities, according to real estate records.
There were no real estate records for the dwelling under discussion.
Many counties and cities have put real estate records on their Web sites.
The couple bought their house there for $86,875 in 1986, having obtained a $52,000 mortgage, according to real estate records.
Shots for real estate records included street scenes, along with photographs of buildings.
But real estate records show he sold the 278-square-foot apartment two years later for $30,000 less than he had paid.
But real estate records indicate it has not sold - perhaps because federal officials have sought to seize the property.
She can scrutinize both real estate records and stolen garbage to good effect.
Between 1825 and 1832, real estate records show, the Whiteheads sold at least 24 land parcels to black families.