This city was the first of many across the English-speaking world to take the name of the Essex village.
In the early 1950s, Cruddas moved to the Essex village of Great Bardfield.
The category award winners ranged from a housing co-operative in Dundee to a children's play area in an Essex village.
Dovercourt in the thirties was an Essex coastal village favoured as a retirement home for those who enjoyed stiff breezes and bracing walks.
Funding boost for repairs to quay Work to repair an unstable quay in an Essex village takes a step closer following a £10,000 county council grant.
One on display at the Imperial War Museum, Duxford (recovered from an Essex village).
Family and kinship relations in an Essex village are laid open to us through the diary.
Essex village, which lies along the river, bustles with shops and restaurants.
Slightly different factors were at work in the Essex village of Terling, dependent on the London market.
But in the new situation its social underpinnings were less secure, and there was a consequent increase in illegitimacy in this Essex village in the 1840s.