On 16 June 1944 she was attached to Escort Division 38.
After Biak had been secured, she returned to her duties with Escort Division 43 until 12 October 1944.
He was reactivated, and given command of the No.6 Escort Division on 8 April 1944.
As flagship of Escort Division 17, Scott was usually escort commander for her convoys.
Near the end of June, she reported for duty in Escort Division 56.
Soon thereafter, she returned to sea as a unit of Escort Division 33 in the screen of a convoy bound for the Pacific.
The ship also acted as flagship for Escort Division (CortDiv) 15.
When Escort Division 85 was established, Walton was assigned to it and sailed for the Pacific.
Later that month, the flush-decked destroyer joined the Liverpool Special Escort Division.
Thence, she joined Escort Division 24 on hunter-killer patrols in the Atlantic.