Erik Smith, a spokesman for the Gephardt campaign, said the congressman was representing the needs of a large employer in his district.
By the time Bobby is a teenager (played by a sensitive young actor named Erik Smith), he has pretty much lost his original family.
One of its longtime co-anchors was Erik Smith, who worked at Channel 7 off-and-on for over 40 years.
"Mr. Gephardt's goal was a broad bipartisan vote, and we got that today," said his spokesman, Erik Smith.
Erik Smith, a spokesman for Mr. Gephardt said, "Clearly we're doing something right."
"We'll point out the hypocrisy," said Erik Smith, a spokesman for the campaign committee.
But he has not given an endorsement, nor does he plan to before the primary, his spokesman, Erik Smith, said.
His spokesman, Erik Smith, said he knew of no demand for the votes but thought that listing them might be a good idea.
His son was the British record producer Erik Smith.