Now, the fabled Erasmus Hall in Brooklyn is about to become a certified monument to History.
With accounts of one bungled job after another, the renovation of Erasmus Hall, the city's oldest high school, has become a paradigm case.
Once there he taught as an assistant teacher on Long Island at Flatbush in Erasmus Hall.
At least one, Erasmus Hall, is frankly recruiting students.
Even in those glad times, however, Erasmus Hall was tottering between a glorious past and an increasingly troubled present.
He dropped out of Erasmus Hall in the ninth grade.
Hartford High, founded 350 years ago, is among public schools that are older than Erasmus Hall.
Calvin Bowman, a 6-9 reserve forward from Erasmus Hall in Brooklyn, added 15 points.
Also lurking behind the problems at Erasmus Hall are failures that critics say have become characteristic of the school's maintenance bureaucracy.
Because Erasmus Hall is one of the largest schools, it has been a lucrative prize for custodians, whose salaries rise with school size.