She is a vice-president of the British Epilepsy Association, otherwise known as Epilepsy Action.
A new leaflet from the British Epilepsy Association shows some simple ways of dealing safely with an attack.
He crossed the line in three hours and 56 minutes, raising over £600 for the British Epilepsy Association.
MORE than £300 has been raised by a group of Barlaston employees and friends in a sponsored walk for the British Epilepsy Association.
The job was with the Epilepsy Association in White Plains, as executive director.
Until 2005, they were called the Epilepsy Association of Australia.
The warning follows a case involving a member of the British Epilepsy Association who had a seizure during hospital tests involving a two day fast.
The Japanese Epilepsy Association complained the passage might encourage a view that people with odd brain wave patterns, including epileptics, should be hospitalized.
These experiences led her to become a member of the Council and Executive Committee of the British Epilepsy Association.
"I kind of have mixed feelings about this," said Chuck Carmen, executive director for the Epilepsy Association of Central Florida.