Following the collapse of Enron, his name outside the building was made 70% smaller.
Last year, the fund lost $58 million in the collapse of Enron.
Now, in the wake of the Enron collapse, the argument over the companies has taken a new turn.
Then, after the collapse of Enron, lawmakers again pushed for the information.
After the collapse of Enron last year, nervous investors cast around for who was going to be next.
Since the collapse of Enron, there has been much talk about shredding documents as if it is a bad thing.
Investors have punished sprawling companies that are hard to value ever since the collapse of Enron.
The collapse of Enron and a drop in energy prices during the quarter were bad news for utility funds.
There is enormous private wealth in this city, despite the collapse of Enron and several other local corporations.
The collapse of Enron has increased the need for companies to be forthcoming in their profit statements, they said.