The company sought last fall to acquire the Enron Corporation and then backed out of the deal.
That is how the Enron Corporation channeled many of its donations.
The Enron Corporation, the big natural gas company, is another major participant.
Enron Corporation is a gas pipeline company that turned into a huge enterprise.
The government is eager to restart the project, which was built by the Enron Corporation.
It is moot now, but the biggest example may be the Enron Corporation.
It is well known that the Enron Corporation lavished money and attention on political figures all over the nation's capital.
Among the new issues offered was a $100 million offering of five year 9 5/8 percent senior notes from the Enron Corporation.
It didn't seem like the scandal surrounding the collapse of the Enron Corporation could get any worse.
We know that there has been shredding of documents going on at the Enron Corporation.