This was no propagandist for Enlightenment values or sympathetic cynic but a character without noticeable motives.
And here was me thinking you were a bastion of Enlightenment values!
Dubbed the New Town, its geometric purity was an expression of Enlightenment values.
In this piece, the artist references Enlightenment values while alluding to Rousseau's social contract.
The works were intended to disseminate Enlightenment values and had a profound impact on Jewish life.
Western Enlightenment values, in their view, require prohibition, regardless of whether a woman has freely chosen Islamic dress.
If not, she contends, Europe will wake up one day and no longer recognize itself as a bastion of Enlightenment values.
Such obsessional behaviour should act as a reminder of all those who have fought and died to defend Enlightenment values.
Those who supported Enlightenment values blocked those reforms and swept away the monarchy which wished to introduce them.
The economic catastrophe will be a drawn-out affair but it was Enlightenment values that got us into this mess.