Most of all, he considers himself a disciple of the optimistic Enlightenment tradition.
"For those who come from the Enlightenment tradition, the increasing religiosity is very distressing," Mr. Raslan said.
As a part of the Enlightenment tradition, Kant based his ethical theory on the belief that reason should be used to determine how people ought to act.
When Postman turns from analyzing contemporary culture and education to the more ambitious project of defending the Enlightenment tradition, the results are less impressive.
Roberton's history, in the modern Enlightenment tradition and historical methodology, was initially well received.
Political liberals and critics of religion build on an Enlightenment tradition.
As a result, they honored the Enlightenment tradition of daring to know.
Ramsay's history, then, is better considered the last of the European Enlightenment tradition than the first of American historical epics.
A journey undertaken in daylight, in the Enlightenment tradition.
It was another bad week for the west's great Enlightenment tradition.