Boas argues an alternative explanation: that the difference is not in how Inuit pronounce the word, but rather in how English-speaking scholars perceive the pronunciation of the word.
He was instrumental in introducing Chayanov's work to the English-speaking scholars.
Christopher Achen, a professor at the University of Michigan, for example, works with English-speaking scholars in Taiwan who are also adept in quantitative methods.
Leibniz's writings on law, ethics, and politics were long overlooked by English-speaking scholars, but this has changed of late.
Perhaps this definition (which strikes English-speaking scholars as bizarre) is common in Spain, because Baños and Antolín also use Enriquez's definition.
However, there is a growing trend, even among English-speaking scholars, to adopt a modified version of the method used in the Wörterbuch (e.g., Allen 2000).
He was able to attract many of the world's leading English-speaking foreign legal scholars, partly because he was paying them good money to teach a seven-week course before their own semesters started.
The term "dynast" has come into use among English-speaking scholars, but that is not a native term.
The Odes have been considered traditionally by English-speaking scholars as purely literary works.
Central to this debate is the work of Bruno Bleckmann, whose arguments tend to be supported by continental scholars but rejected in part by English-speaking scholars.