Interest in learning "myreschka"(sic) continues in English-speaking parts of the world, but has not become as popular as Hardanger work.
Note: The term 'G-Wagen' is only used in English-speaking parts of the world.
This year's event showed much more consideration for the English-speaking part of the audience than did last year's.
The Canadiens barely remained a majority in the new political entity, and with continued emigration to the English-speaking part of Canada, this dominance was short lived.
Ethnic diversity is growing in French Canada, but still lags behind the English-speaking parts of the country.
The English-speaking part of Flushing, anyway.
A skater from the English-speaking part of the world may receive higher scores from similar nations.
A couple of years later, Ms. Gold asked to run sales in a suburban, English-speaking part of Canada.
Although the university draws its students mainly from the English-speaking part of Cameroon, it also serves the other regions of the country.
In English-speaking parts of Europe, the bird called a "robin" is Erithacus rubecula.