The bill is under consideration as the English-only movement is gaining momentum nationwide.
English Plus is an American movement formed in reaction to the English-only movement.
The referendum took place amidst a broader English-only movement in the United States.
Pratt is the president of English First, an organization within the English-only movement.
A quintessential example is the English-only movement in the United States.
As part of what has been called the English-only movement, some states have adopted legislation granting official status to English.
You have written quite a bit about bilingual education and English-only movements.
As immigrant children have flooded American public schools, an English-only movement has flourished in opposition to such programs.
Twenty-two states have made English their official language, most since the English-only movement gained force in the mid-1980's.
It was the latest sign that the Northeast is resisting the English-only movement spreading through much of the country.