His father was Syrian and his mother an English nurse from Nottingham, where he spent some time in his early childhood.
Her father was a Nigerian doctor and her mother an English nurse, who met while working at the same hospital in Hamilton.
It is named for Florence Nightingale, an English nurse.
She was raised in part by an English nurse, which helps explain her fluent English.
Fury fell in love with an English nurse, Pamela Hawley, who died in a bombing raid of London before he could propose to her.
He meets an English nurse, and they fall in love.
His adoptive mother Margaret was an English nurse.
Her father married an English nurse, Pamela from Nottingham.
At her grandparents' home she received a cosmopolitan education, learning German and English, due to her father's origins and having an English nurse.
Reports emerged that during the county season he had repeatedly sent lewd SMS messages to an English nurse.