The vast room was paneled in oak and styled after an English manor.
The novel concerns a professor who is researching the poems of his grandmother at an English manor.
Hitman: Contracts contains a level where the protagonist must rescue the potential victim of a human hunt from an English manor.
The patroonship was confirmed as an English manor by Charles II in 1664.
It was no doubt due to Turstin's loyal service that he was awarded by the Conqueror the several English manors which amonted to a significant fiefdom.
The parade before the master of young adult villeins for him to 'pull' for domestic service was an annual event in many English manors.
Though formally discontinued in England at the time of the Reformation, a post-Reformation payment of uncertain characteristics is seen in some English manors into the 19th century.
Another faction is led by Steven Bullock, a landed farmer with vision who sets his farm up like an English manor and becomes self-sufficient.
Old world, his land was part of the town, but now it is, for all intents and purpose, its own village set up much like a traditional English manor.
His service earned him the grant of more than 91 English manors confiscated from the defeated English, as listed in the Domesday Book of 1086.