But ex-Preston Grasshopper Hayton has plenty of big time experience for he formerly skippered England Colleges and has played several times in the first team.
On leaving school he entered the antiquarian book business and attended the West of England College of Art.
The second world war interrupted his training at the West of England College of Art in his native Bristol.
Roberts has represented England Colleges, playing in the sides first ever fixture, against Australia schools in February 2008.
The following year, on January 27, the Bathurst Church of England College opened its doors to seven students under the headmastership of Henry Kemmis.
He attended the West of England College of Art (later known as the University of the West of England).
He was a visiting Lecturer at the West of England College of Art in Bristol.
Fall 2011 - Colby-Sawyer College and New England College join the conference as full members.
From 1966-1970 he attended the West of England College of Art, now the School of Creative Arts, Bristol.
One of 92 sixth form colleges in England, Franklin College is situated west of Grimsby town centre, in the Grange area of the town.